The Fifth lesson of Sports Betting Tips continues at Betting on Home Dog and don't be a Fan. I can tell that you are laughing over this or you are only wondering. Read on to comprehend how this can improve your betting success rate.

Don't be a fan. Why? Can you recall the sports betting tip I wrote in part 3? Never gamble under influence. Being a fan of a team, on which you want to bet, is prohibited, furthermore if you have just started your sports betting journey. Professional bettors, or should I say experts, are different in many ways, one of them is that they could separate "being a fan of a team or player" and "betting on the game where their favorite team or player play". They won't let their emotional judge their betting picks just because they are supporting particular team or player. Could you do that? It is easier said than done.

Betting on Home dog is one special way to have a high winning ratio. In football, American football, rugby, basket ball, base ball, etc, Home team is likely to be more motivated to win the game. They do what it takes to win, because they do not want to disappoint the home crowd. Mentality of a team/player could as well be one aspect that helps a team at home to win. Remember, this will not guarantee your win if you never do your homework. Analyzing the statistic and history might enhance your confidence in your decision to pick home dog.

Remember to distinguish between being a fan and being a bettor if you want to bet on the game, in which your favorite team or player involves. Betting on home dog would be lot easier if you have studied all the necessary data, you should make profit in the long run if you do it correctly.


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